Monday, April 25, 2011


Many of you know that I have poor memory, and if you didn't now you do! Here is an interesting video on working out and the brain...

You have to watch a stupid 1 minute advertisement to watch the 1 minute video.. LAME


Spin Class

Tomorrow morning I will be doing a spinning class with a friend. 5am people! That's when I usually go to bed. I am excited to go though. If you have never done a spinning class, it will kick you tooty! It's a 60 minute sweaty booty-building workout. I will let you all know how it goes.


So I found out that eating spicy food an hour before you work out can increase your metabolism up to 50%. That's wild. An excuse to eat spicy buffalo wings before the gym.

Also, if you workout hard for 30 minutes, take a ten minute break, and then work out for another 30 minutes, you will burn more calories and build more muscle.

Cookies!!! Yum!!!

So.... If you eat 13 packs of cookies, you will increase one dress size. I think that is like 2 inches on your waist. How long will it take you to jog that extra weight off? Over 100 hours on the treadmill! If that does not keep you away from the cookie jar, I don't know what will. I know I wont be eating any more cookies. I wish I would have known this before class.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Sports Blog-
So what is shooting from the field? What would you save an average % would be?

Lets Dance-
I am excited!! YEY. So are you guys stressed that there is not enough time?

A Hit Song-
So how long do you plan on having your song? Do you have a theme of what the song is really going to be about?

Learning How to Cook-
WOW, that looks soo good, but what is the foil for and why don't you start with it covered?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Working out while driving.

It was pointed out to me that I am working out when ever I drive my car. I guess I don't drive a manual like most. I drive with my tippy toes. It was quite funny when it was pointed out. While I don't have big calf muscles, they are sexy and defined.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Hey there.. I wanna go see it.. Where is the FB. I will have to look it up.. Do I get free drinks since I know you? What time are you on?

That looks so good. But I want you to do something that I can just cook in a microwave in my dorm room. I can boil water in the Micro.. hehe.. any good stuff you can think of?

Friday, April 1, 2011


I have been wanting to get a massage lately but have not. I have made an appointment for tonight to get one. You may be asking how this is relevant to my blog. Well, as you workout and gain muscle mass your muscle fibers tear and then repair themselves. I always thought this action created knots and scar tissue in the muscle that can be tender and painful. However, knots are caused by lack of blood circulation of blood to a particular area. The muscle fibers and up clumping together. By massaging the muscle knots, you realign the muscle fibers, which allows better blood flow to the muscle, which is key to building muscle. I will be getting a sports massage, the therapist breaks up the knots with pressure, which also releases toxins stored in the body. This is a double benefit. However, this is not the type of massage that is peaceful and relaxing. The massages can be painful at times when breaking up the knot. No pain, No gain!

Wednesday Workout

On Wednesday I went to the gym and worked out my Chest and Triceps. Here is a snap shot of what I did. Next week I will be posting some pictures of my progress. When ever I need motivation when I am working out and I feel like I can do any more reps, I just look at my trainer and I can pump out a few extra. He is not huge but he is very defined. He is a lefty and has messy handwriting as you can see above, however, he is cute so I don't mind. :-) My triceps are a bit sore today.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Hit Son

You should definitely bring a piano to the beach.. We can get like 6 guys to help.. It is totally possible! I can take pictures.. We can make a music video too.

Avoiding the Freshman

I have never worked out at the beach but I would like to try it sometime. We can go frolicking down the beach together. NO HOLDING HANDING! Lets go!

Response to Katie A.

They also have been to Strikes. They have a promotion for $60. You get shoes for up to 6 people, a large pizza, a pitcher of soda, and the lane for 2 hours of bowling. It is a lot of fun.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Workout Today

Today Brian and I went to the school gym and worked out triceps and chest. We did Tricep extensions, bench press, chest extensions, and dips in 3 sets. Here we are working out in the gym! Look at us, we are so hot and sexy and BUTCH!

I currently weigh in at 143.2 lbs.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

This Dammm Blogger is Werkin my Nurve

My comments are not going through so I am posting mine here.

I like the idea of having a different ending every night. That way when people say.. OMG did you see the end where _____ happened, their friend will be like, no the play I saw ended with _____.. Then they will both want to see it again!! Keep them coming back.


This Blogger is STUPID. It is not leaving my comment for my google account. And.... I refuse to capitalize the "g" in google because they a pissing me off right now with this comment mishap.



Snaps For Katie *SNAP* *SNAP*

Nice job. Cool video too. How did that sand taste, pretty natural, huh? LOL I need a tan. Next time you are goin to the beach, let me know and we can get our tan on. :-)

College fun 101

Thats crazy.. Can you imagine how many man-hours of makeup those people have to do each night to get ready? I mean, how long does it take you to do your basic makeup. For them it would take way longer times say, several hundred. CRAZY!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Here is the before and after pictures of working out my arms. Also here is an update on how my body looks.



Here is my body this morning. Enjoy. :-)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Brake...errr I mean Break

I have not worked out over the break… I need to get my butt in gear. I totally pigged out over break… Today I am going to do as many pushups and curls as I can in 3 sets. Each set I do I will do pushups and curls until my muscles fatigue I and I can’t do any more. I will take before and after shots. When you work your muscles they engorge with blood and swell a little. Hopefully you will be able to see the difference.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Fire Alert

I went to the Gym on Friday to work out and as soon as I got there, the fire alarm went off. I stayed for about 15 minutes, and decided to leave as I had class and would not be able to do my training session. I rescheduled for today. Today I will be working on chest and triceps. I will post my workout after I go. Here is a video of the fire alarm.

Monday, February 21, 2011


I worked out legs today and also my lower back. Kicked by butt. Here was my workout....


These pictures will be a baseline photo for the workout. I ate a bunch of junk food this weekend, so I am a little bloated, but the picture is accurate. Today I will be going to the gym again and will most likley be working triceps and chest. So sexy, just look at that booty. It's only gonna get bigger. :-)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday 2/18

Today I worked out my Back and Biceps. I wrote it down in my workout log and I am taking a picture of it rather than typing it all because the format would be weird. It is easier to view this way. I know I am going to be sore tomorrow but that's how it goes when you first start. I think tonight I am going to the gym again with Kayla... Here is the workout:


So... I got measured by my trainer and here are the numbers:

3 minute step test - 94bpm
Push-ups - 28.5 reps
Leg-press 140lbs - 35 reps

Neck - 15"

Chest - 35.3"

Shoulders - 44"

Waist - 31.5"

Hips - 33"

R. Bicep - 11.5"
L. Bicep - 11.25"

R. Thigh - 21.25"
L. Thigh - 21.25"

R. Calf - 13.75"
L. Calf - 14"

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blood Pressure

I was at CVS yesterday and saw the blood pressure machine. I thought it would be relevant to this project, so I decided to give it a try. You can see the results. I am sure that as I get into better shape, the results will improve even more. I have yet to work out, but will hopefully do so after class today as I have some extra time.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Here is my Blog, WELCOME. Over the next thirteen weeks I will be updating this blog with information and pictures of the progress I am making to get into shape. Getting myself into shape will involve eating healthy and going to the gym. I am sure that most of you were looking forward to my full frontal pictures, sadly they will be posted (never said I didn't takem *wink*). The first picture will be posted on day one of my workout. The plan is to work out three times a week, possibly more. In addition, I will try to keep track of my food intake as much as possible.