Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Hit Son

You should definitely bring a piano to the beach.. We can get like 6 guys to help.. It is totally possible! I can take pictures.. We can make a music video too.

Avoiding the Freshman

I have never worked out at the beach but I would like to try it sometime. We can go frolicking down the beach together. NO HOLDING HANDING! Lets go!

Response to Katie A.

They also have been to Strikes. They have a promotion for $60. You get shoes for up to 6 people, a large pizza, a pitcher of soda, and the lane for 2 hours of bowling. It is a lot of fun.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Workout Today

Today Brian and I went to the school gym and worked out triceps and chest. We did Tricep extensions, bench press, chest extensions, and dips in 3 sets. Here we are working out in the gym! Look at us, we are so hot and sexy and BUTCH!

I currently weigh in at 143.2 lbs.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

This Dammm Blogger is Werkin my Nurve

My comments are not going through so I am posting mine here.

I like the idea of having a different ending every night. That way when people say.. OMG did you see the end where _____ happened, their friend will be like, no the play I saw ended with _____.. Then they will both want to see it again!! Keep them coming back.


This Blogger is STUPID. It is not leaving my comment for my google account. And.... I refuse to capitalize the "g" in google because they a pissing me off right now with this comment mishap.



Snaps For Katie *SNAP* *SNAP*

Nice job. Cool video too. How did that sand taste, pretty natural, huh? LOL I need a tan. Next time you are goin to the beach, let me know and we can get our tan on. :-)

College fun 101

Thats crazy.. Can you imagine how many man-hours of makeup those people have to do each night to get ready? I mean, how long does it take you to do your basic makeup. For them it would take way longer times say, several hundred. CRAZY!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Here is the before and after pictures of working out my arms. Also here is an update on how my body looks.



Here is my body this morning. Enjoy. :-)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Brake...errr I mean Break

I have not worked out over the break… I need to get my butt in gear. I totally pigged out over break… Today I am going to do as many pushups and curls as I can in 3 sets. Each set I do I will do pushups and curls until my muscles fatigue I and I can’t do any more. I will take before and after shots. When you work your muscles they engorge with blood and swell a little. Hopefully you will be able to see the difference.